Our Vision
Abundance Educational Institute (AEI) provides High School Diploma Program, ACT prep Classes, Praxis Prep (for educators). Male Mentorship Program, Marriage Socials and other community enrichment activities. We provide career development and educational services to empower men and women to provide financially for themselves and their families through career development pathways. Our faith centered K-12 academy not only educates the mind, but we strive to pour into all our students the love of Christ.
Education Matters
Education matters and it lights the path to success and fulfilment. Director L. Hooper has years of teaching experience in both general and special education. This educational institute aims to spread the message of Jesus Christ through service. Abundance Educational Institute (AEI) works in collaboration with families, skilled professionals dedicated to inform, educate and equip men, women and children with necessary tools to be successful.
—Leora Cox Hooper, Ed.S
Chief Executive Director